Slayer birthday cake for 16th birthday.
All sugar paste decoration.
The cake was ceremonially cut to the music of slayer and a little head banging was performed to mark the occasion.
The cake was actually a red velvet, but I tried out the tip I got from a fellow bakery I use beetroot powder instead of food colouring. I was reliably informed that " it never fails"... Wrong!
The batter was acidic enough, the oven temp was low, the cake was only just baked and the layers weren't too thick... It just doesn't work. At some point I'll have a chance to try out the raw puréed beetroot method, but I'm really busy and I'm not trying theories out on customer cakes so it'll have to wait for now.
Meantime the cake tastes great and B has decided not to hold against me that his cake wasn't blood red inside!